An ad filmed during Vicky Pattison’s wedding has been banned for promoting smoking in a glamorous way, raising concerns from regulators.
In the ad, Vicky’s husband, Ercan, and his groomsmen were puffing on cigars. They even shared it on their Instagram, which has a ton of followers. But then, the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) got involved after a couple of complaints.
The ASA looked into it and decided that the ad was irresponsible. They said it made smoking look appealing and tied it to a glamorous lifestyle. Not cool, right?
They also found that one of the Instagram posts didn’t clearly say it was an ad, which is a big no-no. So, they ruled that it breached the advertising code.
After the ruling, the ads were taken down from their accounts. Vicky even said she’d make sure to label any future posts about Endrick Clothing as ads. Smart move!
By the way, Vicky and Ercan tied the knot at Marylebone Town Hall in London back in August and had a second celebration in Italy in September. Their wedding was even filmed for a TV show called “Vicky Pattison: My Big Fat Geordie Wedding.” How fun is that?
ChronicleLive has reached out to Vicky and Ercan’s reps for more info. Let’s see what they say!